Having trouble with receiving content from your purchases? Follow these guidelines!

Hello FRAGers! 🎯
Do you feel like your newly purchased goods got lost somewhere in the FRAG universe? scream emoji😱
Fear not, as these instructions might be very useful in ensuring your treasures find it's way home-onto your account! 💪

To ensure the content from your purchases will arrive properly, please follow these important guidelines: 

1. Play only on 1 device:

-In case you are using multiple devices or are frequently switching between them, your items might not arrive and sync correctly, and we may not be able to resolve the issue further on. 

2. Play the game online: 
-Switching between online and offline status, or playing offline most of the time, can disrupt the delivery of your items as well. Make sure you’re connected to the internet when playing, especially after making a purchase. 

By following these instructions, you’ll ensure that all your purchased items are delivered properly. 
In case you encounter any issues despite following these guidelines, feel free to reach out to our awesome support team for further assistance! 

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