How to check if you have certain FRAGmas Skin for a specific mission

Hello FRAGers! 🎯

Not sure if you have the FRAGmas skin needed to complete a mission? Here's a quick and easy way to check! 

1.find the mission that requires you to use a certain FRAGmas skin - for example: Win 10 battles with the FRAGmas skin of Long Shot

2.Then you will need to:
-go to your FRAGmas lottery
-check if your for example in this case: Long Shot skin aka card is shown either on the main progress page or rules page
-if it's shown as a picture (not checkmarked)- it means that you still do not have that skin hence you cannot use it to solve the missions

And that’s it! Now you know how to quickly check if you have the required FRAGmas skin and whether you can complete a certain mission. Good luck, and happy FRAGin'! 🎯

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