A player is cheating

Tired of those sneaky cheaters causing havoc in our FRAG universe? 😵

Here at OhBibi we take every report on cheating in FRAG very seriously.

If in any case you feel the need to report a player, or give us some useful feedback
about cheating and hacks, feel free to do so anytime.

The most useful information for us would be if you could provide us with the
- a screenshot of a player you believe is hacking with his full profile name, club
name and country flag
-explanation or proof of reasons for cheating

We've also added a Report Cheater feature in game! By visiting the profile of a
player you wish to report, you will see a report button there.

Keep in mind, there's a limit on how many reports you can send a week.

Please understand that Oh BiBi respects the privacy of all and as such, we will not
disclose any actions that may or may not be taken against another player’s
account. ❗

Thank you once again for joining in this battle with us by making a commitment to fair play for all our FRAGers!

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